Utilities settings are available for all modules.
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
LOGGER_TO_FILE | bool | False | True/False | |
LOGGER_FILE | str | temp/rotating.log | ||
LOGGER_FILE_SIZE | int | 10242880 | ||
LOGGER_FILE_ENCODING | str | utf-8 | ||
LOGGER_JSON_FORMAT | bool | False | True/False | |
LOGGER_FORMAT | str | %(asctime)s - %(process)d - %(threadName)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s |
Storage settings are available for all modules.
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
Settings of decimal digits are used in MySQL only for cast string value to decimal value.
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
SUPER_ADMIN_TENANT_ID | str | 1 | ||
SUPER_ADMIN_USER_ID | str | 1 | ||
SUPER_ADMIN_USER_NAME | str | imma-super | ||
META_STORAGE_TYPE | str | mysql | mysql, oracle, mongodb, mssql | |
META_STORAGE_USER_NAME | str | watchmen | ||
META_STORAGE_PASSWORD | str | watchmen | ||
META_STORAGE_HOST | str | localhost | ||
META_STORAGE_PORT | int | 3306 | ||
META_STORAGE_NAME | str | watchmen | ||
META_STORAGE_ECHO | bool | False | True/False | Enable meta storage sql logging |
SNOWFLAKE_DATA_CENTER_ID | int | 0 | 0 ~ 3 | Data center id |
SNOWFLAKE_WORKER_ID | int | 0 | 0 ~ 1023 | Worker id |
SNOWFLAKE_COMPETITIVE_WORKERS | bool | True | True/False | Enable competitive snowflake worker |
SNOWFLAKE_COMPETITIVE_WORKER_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL | int | 60 | Competitive worker heart beat interval, in seconds | |
SNOWFLAKE_COMPETITIVE_WORKER_CREATION_RETRY_TIMES | int | 3 | Competitive worker creation max retry times | |
SNOWFLAKE_COMPETITIVE_WORKER_RESTART_ON_SHOWDOWN | bool | False | True/False | Competitive worker restart automatically on shutdown |
DATASOURCE_AES_ENABLED | bool | True | True/False | Enable AES for datasource password |
DATASOURCE_AES_KEY | str | 32 chars str | Default AES key of data source pwd encryption, MUST BE REPLACED | |
DATASOURCE_AES_IV | str | 16 chars str | Default AES iv of data source pwd encryption, MUST BE REPLACED | |
ENGINE_INDEX | bool | True | True/False | Enable meta data auto index |
Data Kernel​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
STORAGE_ECHO | bool | False | True/False | Enable data storage sql logging |
FULL_DATETIME_FORMATS | Set[str] | %Y%m%d%H%M%S%f, %d%m%Y%H%M%S%f, %m%d%Y%H%M%S%f | Follow python date time formats, %z is also supported | |
DATETIME_FORMATS | Set[str] | %Y%m%d%H%M%S, %d%m%Y%H%M%S, %m%d%Y%H%M%S, %Y%m%d%H%M, %d%m%Y%H%M, %m%d%Y%H%M | Follow python date time formats, %z is also supported | |
DATE_FORMATS | Set[str] | %Y%m%d, %d%m%Y, %m%d%Y | Follow python date time formats | |
TIME_FORMATS | Set[str] | %H%M%S, %H%M | Follow python date time formats | |
ABANDON_DATE_TIME_ON_PARSE_FAIL | bool | False | True/False | Abandon value or not when it cannot be parsed to date or time by designated factor type, works only on topic data. |
ENCRYPT_AES_KEY | str | 32 chars str | Default AES key, MUST BE REPLACED | |
ENCRYPT_AES_IV | str | 16 chars str | Default AES iv, MUST BE REPLACED | |
IGNORE_DEFAULT_ON_RAW | bool | True | True/False | Default value of factor will be ignored on the raw topic |
KERNEL_CACHE | bool | True | True/False | Enable kernel cache, keep it enabled in production |
KERNEL_CACHE_HEART_BEAT | bool | True | True/False | Enable kernel cache heart beat, keep it disabled in production |
KERNEL_CACHE_HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL | int | 60 | Cache heart beat interval, in seconds | |
SYNC_TOPIC_TO_STORAGE | bool | False | True/False | Synchronize topic structure change to storage entity |
REPLACE_TOPIC_TO_STORAGE | bool | False | True/False | Force replace existing topic entity (drop and recreate) |
Data Surface​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
TRUNCATE_TOPIC_DATA | bool | True | True/False | Enable topic data truncate rest api |
Inquiry Trino​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
TRINO_HOST | str | | ||
TRINO_PORT | int | 5678 | ||
TRINO_USER | str | admin | ||
TRINO_PASSWORD | Optional[str] | None |
Inquiry Kernel​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
USE_STORAGE_DIRECTLY | bool | True | True/False | Enable use storage directly for inquiry, save Trino cost when all topics are from same storage. |
TRINO | bool | True | True/False | Enable Trino |
Inquiry Surface​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
DATASET_PAGE_MAX_ROWS | int | 10000 | Default max rows for dataset page |
Pipeline Kernel​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
DECRYPT_FACTOR_VALUE | bool | False | True/False | Decrypt encrypted factor value on read |
PIPELINE_UPDATE_RETRY | bool | True | True/False | Enable pipeline update retry if it is failed on optimistic lock |
PIPELINE_UPDATE_RETRY_TIMES | int | 3 | Optimistic lock retry times | |
PIPELINE_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL | int | 10 | Retry interval in milliseconds | |
PIPELINE_UPDATE_RETRY_FORCE | bool | True | True/False | Enable force retry after all retries failed |
PIPELINE_ASYNC_HANDLE_MONITOR_LOG | bool | True | True/False | Handle monitor log (might with pipelines) asynchronized |
Pipeline Surface​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
RABBITMQ_CONNECTOR | bool | False | True/False | Enable trigger pipeline from RabbitMQ |
RABBITMQ_HOST | str | Empty string | ||
RABBITMQ_PORT | str | 5672 | ||
RABBITMQ_USERNAME | str | Empty string | ||
RABBITMQ_PASSWORD | str | Empty string | ||
RABBITMQ_VIRTUALHOST | str | Empty string | ||
RABBITMQ_QUEUE | str | Empty string | ||
RABBITMQ_DURABLE | bool | True | True/False | |
RABBITMQ_AUTO_DELETE | bool | False | True/False | |
KAFKA_CONNECTOR | bool | False | True/False | Enable trigger pipeline from Kafka |
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER | str | localhost:9092 | ||
KAFKA_TOPICS | str | Empty string |
Indicator Kernel​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
PLUGIN_HOST | str | Plugin host for handle the plugin request, typically is a proxy for all plugin types |
Indicator Surface​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
TUPLE_DELETABLE | bool | False | True/False | Enable tuple deletable rest apis. Typically define in rest doll |
S3 Collector​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
S3_COLLECTOR_CONNECTOR | bool | False | True/False | Enable trigger pipeline from S3 |
S3_COLLECTOR_ACCESS_KEY_ID | str | Empty string | ||
S3_COLLECTOR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | str | Empty string | ||
S3_COLLECTOR_BUCKET_NAME | str | Empty string | ||
S3_COLLECTOR_REGION | str | Empty string | ||
S3_COLLECTOR_TENANT | str | Empty string | ||
S3_COLLECTOR_CONSUME_PREFIX | str | Empty string | like 'test/watchmen-data/consume-queue/' | |
S3_COLLECTOR_DEAD_PREFIX | str | Empty string | like 'test/watchmen-data/dead-queue/' | |
S3_COLLECTOR_MAX_KEYS | int | 10 | Int | The number of object list |
S3_COLLECTOR_CLEAN_TASK_INTERVAL | int | 3600 | Seconds | The time of task cleanup interval |
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
APP_NAME | str | Watchmen REST App | Application name | |
VERSION | str | 16.0.0 | Application version | |
DESCRIPTION | str | A lighter platform for data analytics | A short description of application | |
API_VERSION_STR | str | Empty str | For FastAPI docs | |
JWT_SECRET_KEY | str | 43 chars string | Default JWT key, MUST BE REPLACED | |
JWT_ALGORITHM | str | HS256 | ||
CORS | bool | True | True/False | |
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS | Set[str] | * | ||
CORS_ALLOWED_METHODS | Set[str] | * | ||
CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS | Set[str] | * | ||
PROMETHEUS | bool | False | True/False | |
PROMETHEUS_CONTEXT | str | /metrics |
Rest Doll​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
APP_NAME | str | Watchmen Doll | Overwrite Rest's | |
TUPLE_DELETABLE | bool | False | True/False | Enable tuple deletable rest apis |
CREATE_PIPELINE_MONITOR_TOPICS_ON_TENANT_CREATE | bool | True | True/False | Enable create pipeline monitor log topics on create tenant |
CREATE_DQC_TOPICS_ON_TENANT_CREATE | bool | True | True/False | Enable create DQC topics on create tenant |
HIDE_DATASOURCE_PWD | bool | True | True/False | Hide datasource pwd on api, keep same value with REACT_APP_HIDE_DATASOURCE_PWD |
SSO_ON | bool | False | True/False | Enable SSO integration |
SSO_PROVIDER | str | saml2 | saml2 | single sign-on (SSO) login protocol |
SAML_STRICT | bool | True | True/False | If strict is True, then the Python Toolkit will reject unsigned |
SAML_DEBUG | bool | True | True/False | Enable debug mode (outputs errors). |
SAML_IDP_ENTITY_ID | str | Identifier of the IdP entity | ||
SAML_IDP_SSO_URL | str | URL | URL Target of the IdP where the Authentication Request Message | |
SAML_IDP_SSO_BINDING | str | HTTP-Redirect | SAML binding standard | SAML protocol binding to be used when returning |
SAML_IDP_X509CERT | str | Public X.509 certificate of the IdP | ||
SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID | str | Identifier of the SP entity | ||
SAML_SP_ASSERT_URL | str | URL | URL Location where the <Response> from the IdP will be returned | |
SAML_SP_ASSERT_BINDING | str | HTTP-Redirect | SAML binding standard | SAML protocol binding to be used when returning |
SAML_SP_X509CERT | str | X.509 certificate of the SP |
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
MONITOR_JOBS | bool | False | True/False | Enable DQC jobs |
MONITOR_JOB_TRIGGER | str | cron | Job trigger scheduler | |
MONITOR_JOB_DAILY_DAY_OF_WEEK | str | mon-sun | Cron daily | |
MONITOR_JOB_DAILY_HOURS | int | 0 | Trigger hour of daily job | |
MONITOR_JOB_DAILY_MINUTES | int | 1 | Trigger minute of daily job | |
MONITOR_JOB_WEEKLY_DAY_OF_WEEK | str | sun | Cron weekly, assume week starts from sunday | |
MONITOR_JOB_WEEKLY_HOURS | int | 0 | Trigger hour of daily job | |
MONITOR_JOB_WEEKLY_MINUTES | int | 1 | Trigger hour of daily job | |
MONITOR_JOB_MONTHLY_DAY | int | 1 | Cron mongly | |
MONITOR_JOB_MONTHLY_HOURS | int | 0 | Trigger hour of daily job | |
MONITOR_JOB_MONTHLY_MINUTES | int | 1 | Trigger hour of daily job | |
MONITOR_RESULT_PIPELINE_ASYNC | bool | False | True/False | Enable asynchronized pipeline trigger for data which produced by DQC rules |
Rest DQC​
Key | Type | Default Value | Possible Values | For |
APP_NAME | str | Watchmen DQC | Overwrite Rest's |