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Version: 16.3 🔚

Inquiry Service

Inquiry service is designed for serve subject and report inquiry. Subject inquiry is more like a dataset, report is higher order layer which based on subject, additional provide aggregation and funnels.

To simplify the syntax of subject and report, one rest api is designed to fetch subject data. In this api, predefined filters from space and subject will be applied automatically. Extra conditions can be submitted, and data columns and their aggregation arithmetic can be appointed as well.

Inquiry Data​

Fetch data via api​

curl \
--location \
--request POST 'http://host:port//subject/data/criteria' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"subjectId": "1",
"subjectName": "",
"indicators": [
"name": "subject_column_alias",
"arithmetic": "none"
"conditions": [],
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 9

Same as the first api, the response is a data page, and with same structure.

  • One of subjectId and subjectName is required,
    • subjectName is case sensitive,
  • indicators is an array of data columns,
  • name of each indicator must be alias name of subject column,
  • arithmetic of each indicator could be one of none/sum/count/avg/max/min,
    • arithmetic will be treated as none when it is lacked,
    • Aggregation arithmetic can apply to numeric value column expect count,
  • conditions is an array of data criteria on and,
    • conditions is designed for supporting complex scenarios, following chapter will explain this.

This specific rest api is designed for web client, typically page size would be 100, therefore there is no page size limitation in server side.


There are two types of condition, which are joint and expression.


Structure of a joint should be following,

"jointType": "and",
"filters": []
  • jointType: one of and, or,
  • filters: set of conditions, each element could be a joint or an expression.

Do not submit a joint with no filters.


Structure of an expression should be following,

"left": {},
"operator": "equals",
"right": {}
  • left and right: parameter of expression, which is an object might be one of three types,
    • factor parameter,
    • constant parameter,
    • computed parameter,
  • operator: how to compute the expression, one of,
    • empty, not-empty,
    • equals, not-equals,
    • less, less-equals, more, more-equals,
    • in, not-in,
    • right is not needed when operator is empty or not-empty.

Factor Parameter​

In subject inquiry, the source of data always be given subject, therefore, submit factor parameter by subject column alias.

"kind": "topic",
"factorId": "subject_column_alias"

Constant Parameter​

Use constant value to describe a statement, it can be a static value, a list of values, a function call, etc. The basic structure should be following,

"kind": "constant",
"value": "any_statement"

And here are some valid statements,

// simple static value
{ "value": "1" },
// date
{ "value": "2020/08/16" },
// call function to get current date
{ "value": "{&now}" },
// call function to compute day diff from orderDate to now
{ "value": "{&dayDiff(&now, &orderDate)}" },
// a list values, NY and CA. for in or not-in
{ "value": "NY,CA" }

Embedded functions of pipeline are also available in subject inquiry.

Compute Parameter​

Parameter can be computed, like this,

"kind": "computed",
"type": "add",
"parameters": []
  • type: is one of,
    • add, subtract, multiple, divide, modulus,
    • year-of, half-year-of, quarter-of, month-of,
    • week-of-year, week-of-month, day-of-month, day-of-week,
    • case-then,
  • parameters: a list of parameters,
    • for arithmetic function, count in unlimited,
    • for datetime function, only one parameter is allowed,
    • for case then,
      • at most one anyway route is allowed, any other routes must be declared with conditional,
      • anyway route will be sorted to last of all routes,
      • two more properties conditional and on must be added into conditional route parameter,
        • conditional must be true,
        • on is a joint object.

A Sample of condition​

Here is a sample of condition,

// orderDate <= 2020/08/31
"left": { "kind": "topic", "factorId": "orderDate" },
"operator": "less-equals",
"right": { "kind": "constant", "value": "2020/08/31" }
"jointType": "or",
"filters": [
// orderNo is not empty
{ "left": { "kind": "topic", "factorId": "orderNo" }, "operator": "not-empty" },
// orderCity in (NY, CA)
"left": { "kind": "topic", "factorId": "orderCity" },
"operator": "in",
"right": { "kind": "constant", "value": "NY,CA" }
// premium >= case when gender = 'F' then 100,000 else 90,000 end
"left": { "kind": "topic", "factorId": "premium" },
"operator": "more-equals",
right: {
"kind": "computed", "type": "case-then",
"parameters": [
// conditional route
"conditional": true,
"on": {
"jointType": "and",
"filters": [
"left": { "kind": "topic", "factorId": "gender" },
"operator": "equals",
"right": { "kind": "constant", "value": "F" }
"kind": "constant",
"value": "100000"
// anyway route
{ "kind": "constant", "value": "90000" }


To inquiry data from multiple data sources, Trino must be enabled by configuration parameter TRINO. In the other hand, if topics of subject are from one storage, it also can be downgraded to fetch data from storage directly by enabled configuration parameter USE_STORAGE_DIRECTLY.


USE_STORAGE_DIRECTLY and TRINO are default enabled.


Some kinds of storage do not support fetch data directly, it will fall back to Trino even USE_STORAGE_DIRECTLY is enabled. For example, MongoDB does not support it.